Do you know where 80% of your company's best ideas come from?
Supply Chain & Logistics
Staffing Shortages
Training Issues
Waste & Inefficiencies
Interested in finding your transformation heroes?
Fill out the form for a complimentary two-hour advisory session with our Digital Transformation team to learn how to find and engage transformation heroes in your organization.
Fill out the form for a complimentary two-hour advisory session with our Digital Transformation team.
Supply chain is the backbone of many businesses and managing supply chain is imperative. Managing it effectively creates a competitive advantage. The transformation heroes at your organization need solutions for supply chain planning and data insights. Whether it is determining current inventory levels or estimating shipping dates, we can help you get the right information to the right people at the right time.
We have worked with companies who did not utilize an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software at all, some who had the wrong ERP for them, some who had an unsupported or outdated ERP, and some who were not using it to its full potential. Others needed to customize their ERP, chose to develop an entirely new one from scratch, or build new features outside their ERP that required integration with the base ERP system. The transformation heroes at your organization seek to utilize systems to their full potential. We can help fill the gaps in your ERP system by building and integrating the features you need into your base product.
Sometimes it makes more sense to focus on the challenges you can control rather than the ones you cannot. We have helped clients optimize their production schedules and shipments based on delivery routes and complex business rules involving Service Level Agreements with their key customers. Getting the right products on the right dock at the right time is an effective way to counteract the driver shortage, rising costs, and other logistical issues.
Speed and awareness play a vital role in supply chain management. Using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) or Application Programming Interfaces (API), you can instantly exchange information with your customers and suppliers such as order acknowledgements, inventory levels, shipment notifications, order status updates, etc. You can optimize cash flow by sending and receiving payments electronically.
With remote and hybrid workers on the rise and high turnover rates becoming more common, training roadmaps have become even more important. What do your staff, suppliers, and even customers need to know to remain relevant, challenged, empowered, and equipped to do business with you? The most important thing you can do for your business right now is to train your employees to become transformation heroes aligned with your corporate mission and values.
Two common gaps that are often overlooked in an organization are knowledge and utilization gaps. Some companies have highly capable people who simply need to be retooled in new areas. Others have systems and tools that are not being utilized to their full potential. When looking at people, processes, and technology, it often helps to have an external entity help you identify and address gaps that you may have overlooked. Once we teach your transformation heroes to identify opportunities for improvement, you will start to realize 4x the improvement potential in your organization (1).
(1) Robinson, Alan G., and Dean M. Schroeder. The Idea-Driven Organization: Unlocking the Power in Bottom-up Ideas. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2020.